Bow School

Attendance and Punctuality

Attendance and Punctuality

Bow School is committed to good attendance and punctuality in all its students. The school fully recognises the link between good attendance and punctuality and good attainment.

Did you know?

If your child is absent just one day a week, over the course of their secondary school career they will miss one whole year of schooling. 

When your child is absent;

  • Call the school as early as possible to inform them your child will be absent
  • Provide a note on the day your child returns to school, explaining the reason for absence

Medical Appointments

Your child does not need to miss a whole day from school for an appointment.

  • Send them to school with a copy of their appointment letter. This will allow us to sign them out in time to reach theirappointment.

 Truancy Call                                                                                                                     

  • Truancy Call sends messages to parents whose children are absent from school.  Automated phone calls are made to their landline or mobile phone and a text message is sent to their mobile phone. You are required to respond to these messages by the same manner. Should you not respond, an hour later you will be called again and then repeatedly until there is a response (up until 8pm).

We want to help;

  • If your child is experiencing difficulty getting to school every day and on time please contact the school immediately.

For further advice and support please contact our Attendance and Student Support Officer, Ms Mulholland or our Bengali speaking Family Support Worker Mr Ahmed on:

Telephone 020 7536 5525.

Penalty Notice Scheme - from 19th August 2024