Campaigning Author Alan Gibbons To Visit Bow!
We are extremely fortunate to have well known author Alan Gibbons coming to talk to the whole of Year 8 on Wednesday 8th May! Students will have the opportunity to win a signed copy of ‘Dark Spaces’ a book he has written exclusively for schools.
Alan is now a full time writer and independent educational consultant. He uses his previous experience as a teacher in his work running creative writing workshops for students and teachers.
His latest book ‘An Act Of Love’ is on this year’s Tower Hamlet’s Teenage Book List.
As well as his writing Alan is probably equally well known for being a founding member of the ‘Campaign for the Book’ which works to recognise, promote and defend the important place of books, reading and libraries in society as a whole and in schools in particular. Just as we are doing here at Bow!
We are really looking forward to his visit!