Bow School

Transition into Sixth Form


Getting Started

Sixth Form years are formative ones in a young adult’s life, and we place huge importance on the transition process.  Even though you will be studying fewer subjects, the level of work will feel greater so you will need all your organisational and time management skills that you are currently learning in Key Stage 4.

Each year, we warmly welcome students from across the country to our Sixth Form, who are seeking exactly what we offer. Following Open Evening and receipt of their application, students are invited to join our transition programme, ensuring they have the opportunity to get to grips with their new learning environment, expectation and begin to build friendships with their new peers, long before joining in September.

Preparation will commence towards the end of Year 10 with the opportunity to speak with our current Sixth Formers and to experience Sixth Form life for yourself. You will learn about the expectations of teachers in terms of self-motivation to study all whilst enjoying an environment where staff know you well and our pastoral care team is on hand to support you through the transition stage and beyond. You will have the opportunity to explore the Sixth Form centre and hear about the route through further to higher education.


  • In the autumn term of Year 11 you will have a one-to-one session with a senior member of staff to discuss your options; A-level subjects, BTEC courses, and traditional and vocational pathways along with your career aspirations.
  • Before October half term, there will be an invitation to attend Open Evening with your families when you can speak to subject teachers and speak directly to current Sixth Form students.

Spring Term

  •  Following offer letters, you will have the opportunity to meet with a member of Sixth Form team to discuss your progress and options.
  • Look out in the post for our latest newsletter, filled with GCSE revision guidance and top tips.
  • In May, we host a series of Afternoon Tea events, allowing the opportunity for you to meet with subject specialist teachers and current Sixth Formers, to ask any questions and get a true insight to the sixth form. 

summer term

  • During the summer term we will be offering all conditional offer holders the chance to take part in a ‘day in the life of a Sixth Former’. This is your opportunity to sample a range of lessons, enrichment activities, and a student-led fair that will showcase the wide ranging clubs and societies we have on offer.
  • Our friendly student ambassador team is on hand to discuss any concerns you may have and to also talk through revision techniques to prepare you for GCSE season. Conversations will also turn to adapting to the A-level syllabus and new pathways, whilst understanding the need for a change in approach with independent thinking and intellectual curiosity to prepare you for university and the world of work.
  • An invite to our annual Careers Fair and Induction Day will allow further opportunities to explore subjects and meet the Sixth Form community. 
  • Keep your eyes peeled for your student handbook, reading list and materials to keep you busy over the Summer holidays.


  • After enrolment in September there are numerous induction sessions to ensure you are ready to meet the challenges of transition into Year 12.  There will be many opportunities to participate in workshops designed to develop your study skills, help you set targets for the year ahead and develop your team building skills.

Apply here