And the beat goes on...
Recently the BFI (British Film Institute) offered up an opportunity like no other; to compose a new score for an old silent Alfred Hitchcock film called ‘Downhill’ which has recently undergone restoration. This will be no ordinary score though. The beatboxer alongside whom the pupils will be composing the score is no other than World Loopstation Champion and Guinness World Record Holder Shlomo. Pupils visited the Stratford Centre last Friday where they watched Shlomo’s own score for the film, performed by 5 singers and beatboxers.
12 year 9 pupils went on the trip, and although the film didn’t have any speaking they were transfixed for the whole two hours! Six workshops will take place at school over the next 8 weeks, the pupils final score will be performed live at Rich Mix on the 26th November.
Please contact Miss Jones in the Music Department if you would like tickets to come and see this extravaganza!