Bow School

Bow School judged a good and improving school by Ofsted

Bow School judged a ‘good and improving school’ by Ofsted

We are delighted to announce that Bow has been judged to be a ‘good and improving school’ in the recent March 2013 Ofsted Inspection under the challenging new Ofsted framework. The report praised our students’ achievement, the quality of our teaching, the behaviour of our students and the leadership and management of the school. The findings are a true testament to the hard work and commitment of all students and staff and the continued support of our parents and carers.

The report recognised that Bow is a successful school where ‘all groups of students do well’ as a result of ‘good teaching’. Inspectors found that ‘students were excited and engaged in their work, were well supported and challenged to do better, and as a result their learning and progress were outstanding’. The report confirms the strength of Bow’s teaching staff who ‘plan and set work that is challenging’ and observed students who are ‘friendly, polite and show respect towards one another and to adults.’

The report reinforced our ongoing exam success, noting that ‘GCSE results have risen over the last three years, notably in English and Maths’. In 2012, we were delighted to celebrate the achievement of our Year 11 students who achieved 91% 5+ A*- C at GCSE, with 51% achieving 5+ A*-C grades including English and Maths. We are confident that our results will continue to rise and that our students will leave us with ever greater ambitions for the future.

This is an exciting time of progress for Bow School as we look forward to our relocation to our state-of-the-art new building in June 2014 (more details of which can be found here). We will continue to build on our successes to date, developing our exceptional business links and striving to become an ‘Outstanding’ school.

We are committed to accelerating our success and maintaining this track record of progress and achievement as we continue to: encourage ambition, uncover talent and deliver excellence on our journey to outstanding.

To read the full Ofsted report, please click here.

To read some positive news coverage we received about our Ofsted in The Docklands and East London Advertiser, please click here.