Box Clever Back at Bow
“The hate play made me realise that it’s normal for friends fall out, however, the choices that are made by individuals can result in bullying”. Zakariya Osman 8A
During November, year 8 students have been working with the Box Clever Theatre Company on a series of activities around the themes of ‘hate’ and ‘anti-bullying’. All of the students attended an exciting and thought-provoking performance of ‘The Hate Play’ by actors from the company which explored the damage that bullying can do – both mentally and physically – to victims. Mizanul Haque in 8P thought that “the hate play was really good! It made me think about the consequences of bullying and how it affects people’s lives”.
Sagar Bhakar 8O said, “the actors were fantastic! They were believable and at times it felt like I was in the scene with them” and sometimes they were as students were offered the chance to participate and help characters in the play make better decisions at key points to avoid the harm that their words and actions might cause. Following the performance to the whole year, a smaller group of students are now working with Box Clever to think about some of these issues in more depth and will take part in an event at the Idea Store to share their work and ideas.
Overall, the students have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the project and would like to thank the Box Clever Theatre Company for the opportunities they have provided for them to think about and investigate some extremely important issues. Not only were the key messages of the performance powerful, continuing our strong relationship with Box Clever, but the show was also thoroughly entertaining as Ethan Pallot of 8A pointed out, “the characters were great in the hate play because they were realistic! It was performed well and appealed to my age group.”
Mr Oram
KS3 Manager