Bow School

Equalites @ Bow

Equalites @ Bow



-“The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities” 

Happy 2018 and welcome to the first Equalities Newsletter of the year!

Before discussing this month’s theme, last month was Disabilities Awareness Month at Bow and it was a month of many successes. Members of the “I am We” club, alongside Miss Mohamud and Miss Begum, did an amazing charity shoebox collection, donating essential items for homeless young people and their families. Collectively, the school donated 540 items to charity “Providence Row” and 48 shoeboxes to “Centrepoint” – well done!

We also had a bake sale where students made some lovely treats, with all proceeds going to KEEN London. We raised a total of £66.98 to help improve education for young people with disabilities.

We also watched “The Theory of Everything” for our film night focusing on the inspirational life of Stephen Hawking. Thank you all for your generous donations and your participation - helping Bow end the year in such a positive way.


January 2018 marks a month of remembrance for all of us at Bow, as well as around the world. During Holocaust Memorial Month students will have the chance to meet family members of Holocaust survivors, take part in a tea-light ceremony of remembrance during Drop Day and explore issues around discrimination and how to promote equality both in our school community and in the outside world, in order to demonstrate the importance of embracing diversity for all at Bow.

Ms Kamali

  • Remember     •   Appreciate   •     Educate   •     Raise Awareness   •

 Holocaust Memorial Month January 2018


Embracing Diversity – The Bow Way