-“The state of being equal, especially in status, rights, or opportunities”
June at Bow School marks Mental Health Month, where students and staff have been learning more about mental health and gaining an understanding of some mental health conditions that exist around us. The Diversity Council have been working on creating content to share with the school. This content explains a little more about mental health issues such as stress, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and phobias. The aim for the month is to help embrace diversity by raising awareness around mental health, a topic which is often not spoken about enough.
For the June film night we will be screening “Inside Out”, a Disney film which follows the life of a young girl called Riley and her changing emotions when she unexpectedly has to move school and start a new life. We look forward to seeing students there.
In terms of Diversity News, 14th June 2018 marks one year since the terrible Grenfell Tower Tragedy. As an act of remembrance, we are hosting ‘Green for Grenfell’ on the 14th, where we ask students to wear green accessories and staff to wear a green item of clothing as a token of respect to those who passed away.
Bow School are also currently organising a charity collection for Refugee Week, taking place from the 18th-24th June. We are asking students to donate essential items to refugees, such as toothbrushes, men’s socks, lip balms, hand sanitisers and baby wipes, which will make a huge difference to refugees who have to deal with leaving their homes and sometimes their families, in order to settle and start a new life. We look forward to receiving your generous donations and posting these as Eid gifts to those in need.
Ms Kamali
Remember • Appreciate • Educate • Raise Awareness
Mental Health Month – June 2018
Embracing Diversity – The Bow Way