Bow School

Equalities @ Bow

Equalities @ Bow



-“The state of being equal, especially in status, rights or opportunities”

October marks Black History Month, which is our first theme of the month this academic year at Bow. To celebrate staff and students have been getting involved in various exciting activities across subjects during school. We have a whole school competition called “Black History Heroes” where students have been encouraged to create a piece of work about someone they consider a hero. The winners of the competition will be announced at the end of the month and receive 50 house points as well as an amazing opportunity to get their work published in The Black History Heroes E-Anthology. Already there are some amazing entries, guaranteeing that picking a winner will be difficult!

We have also had a mini Black History Month Exhibition, with some amazing student work being displayed in the school. Have a look for yourself at some of the work being exhibited:


We also look forward to our Black History Lunch and The Bow School Film Night programme, where our first film to be previewed will be “Hidden Figures” on Thursday 19th October. Tickets available from Ms Rahman in M.0.61 - all students are welcome.

Ms Kamali

  • Remember •   Appreciate    •     Educate    •     Raise Awareness    •

Black History Month October 2017

Embracing Diversity – The Bow Way