Bow School

Free laptops pave the way for Bow School pupils to become World and Career Ready

Free laptops pave the way for Bow School pupils to become World and Career Ready

Students at Bow School received free laptops thanks to the school’s partnership with a local digital inclusion project that will give them access to otherwise unavailable learning opportunities.

 Connecting Communities, which brings together resources from leading community cohesion organisations, including Tower Hamlets Local Authority, Poplar HARCA and the East End Community Foundation, provides disadvantaged children with a high-quality internet connection, a device and IT training for parents.

Bow School was delighted to be able to participate in this exciting initiative. Digital exclusion disproportionately impacts children as they need to access online materials which are critical to their learning. The aims are to address the clear link between digital 'exclusion' and future economic success, thus creating World and Career Ready People.

 We like to extend our thanks to all those involved in bringing this initiative to life. We know what a huge difference it will make to those young people who benefit from the initiative.