Jack Petchey Achievement Award - January
The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme enables Bow School to recognise the fact that many of our students make a really positive contribution to the school or their community. Each winner receives a framed certificate, a Jack Petchey Young Achiever pin badge and £250 to be spent on a school or community project of their choice.
This month’s recipient is Nusrat Rima, 9H. Nusrat was nominated by her form tutor, Ms Johnson:
“Nusrat is always respectful and polite with teachers and her classmates. Without fail she has been the most helpful & selfless member of my form since Year 7. She has an excellent attitude and is great at encouraging other students!” – Ms Johnson
Nusrat plans to take her form class on a reward trip to the Barking Trampoline Park!
Well done Nusrat!
Ms Mohamud
Celebrating Success – The Bow Way