Jack Petchey Achievement Award - October
Winners: Mickel Danville (Y7) & Ahmad Jalloh (Y11)
Congratulations to October’s Jack Petchey Award winners: Ahmad Jalloh and Mickel Danville. Each winner received a framed certificate, a Young Achiever pin badge and £250 to be spent on a school or community project of their choice.
Nomination Statements:
“I’ve nominated Mickel for his excellent attitude to learning in English and for role modelling fantastic manners. He has made a great start to Year 7. Every time I see him, he has a big smile and always opens the door for you and asks you how you are. He also asks if you need help!”
[Christina Tsierkezou – Teacher of English & Ms Ainger – Senior Teaching Assistant]
“Ahmad is a conscientious, hard-working student. He faithfully performs classroom tasks and expresses ideas clearly, both verbally and through writing. He is a self-motivated student and consistently completes homework assignments. He always puts forth his best effort into homework assignments and exceeds expectations with the quality of his work. He has shown brilliant investigation skills during practicals with good team work.”
[Ms Manda – Teacher of Science]
Ms Mohamud