London School Of Economics Trip
On Wednesday 15th March a group of Year 10 students attended a London School of Economics Pathways to Law Conference.
The day involved an introduction to the Law Department, a tour of the campus and a taster lecture from Dr Floris de Witte on Brexit and the impact on UK law. This was followed by a student ambassador Q&A and a wrap up session as well. We even managed to fit in time for a lovely lunch.
Students were enthusiastic about the possibilities of university life and a future career in law. It was a superb opportunity to highlight conversations we’ve been having within the Year Team about GCSE progress, targets and the focus needed within certain subject related skills. It has been a delight to see the increased focus and excitement the students have shown about their work since the visit.
At Bow we think it is important to broaden our students’ horizons at every opportunity by providing them with as many varied opportunities as we can. Not only does this show them what is possible, but it also emphasises the importance of what they are working to achieve at school now.
Mr Deckers Dowber
Learning from Every Situation – The Bow Way