Parental Engagement at Bow School
On 13th May 2013 Councillor Ahmed Omer visited Bow School as an inspirational speaker for a group of Somali parents completing a Strengthening Families Strengthening Communities course. Ahmed Omar spoke highly of the level of parental engagement opportunities that Bow School offers to parents and the community. Issues discussed include;
- Issues Facing Somali Youth Today
- Factors that affect the education of young Somali students
- Benefits of parental courses particularly strengthening families and communities (SFC)
- Importance of social integration
- Sharing good practice
Parent Quotes
The parental support that Bow school has given me has played an essential role in improving the behaviour and academic attainment of my son. It has brought the teachers and me closer and helped to improve our communication.
Parent of Yr 9 Student
Throughout the course I have gained valuable knowledge and skills, helping me to deal with a challenging teenager. It has given me the opportunity to share experiences with many members of our community that have similar issues with their teenagers.
Parent Bow School