Bow School

Send My Friend To School Youth Campaign

Send My Friend To School Youth Campaign

Bow students’ take their campaign to

Unlock Education for Everyone to Parliament

On 19th June 2019 Bow School acted as representatives in Parliament for the national ‘Send My Friend to School’ youth campaign, calling on the UK to Unlock Education for Everyone.

World leaders have made a clear promise to ensure every child in the world gets a quality education by 2030. However, many children are ‘locked out’ of education simply because of who they are and where they live.

262 million children remain out of school around the world, excluded from education. To address this injustice, over 1,000 schools and thousands of young people across the country are taking part in the Send My Friend to School campaign to ‘Unlock Education for Everyone’.  They are calling on the UK to lead globally, work with countries, and invest equitably in education.

Young people across the UK have been creating paper keys to depict the barriers to education that millions of other young people around the world are facing – including having a disability, being female in a place where gender discrimination is rife, living in a rural area, experiencing poverty or being caught up in an emergency. They have added their own messages about why they think the UK should be a global education leader and sent these on to their MP.

Two students from Bow were selected through a national selection process to champion the Send My Friend to School campaign as ‘Campaign Champions’. Alongside 18 others they took this message to the heart of government through a Parliamentary Action Day – meeting with local MP Jim Fitzpatrick, as well as other Parliamentarians and Ministers. 

The students commented:

  • “I enjoyed Send My Friend to School because it allowed me to create a change and help others”
  • “I enjoyed the fact that Send My Friend to School helps us to make use of the power our voice has” 

Hannah Nixon, Campaigns Manager for Send My Friend to School commented: “Education is a basic human right for all children but despite this, 262 million receive no education and many more are in school but not learning. So I am delighted that students from Bow School are engaging with Jim Fitzpatrick, MP to demand the UK invests in the future of the world”

This has been a brilliant opportunity to learn about how change can happen. I am really proud of the work that the two students from Bow have done to support the campaign.

Ms Johnson

 Embracing Diversity & Rising to the Challenge – The Bow Way