Bow School

Sixth Form surges into top fifth of schools for high grades at A-Level

Sixth Form surges into top fifth of schools for high grades at A-Level


We are pleased to announce that Bow School finished top in the borough for high grades at A-Level in its first ever set of results.  Bow School, which only opened its Sixth Form in 2014, saw 25% of students achieve AAB or better in its 2016 A-Level results.

Top achiever, Azim Ahmed, achieved A*A*A and is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at UCL. Minhaj Chowdhury and Jabir Kerris have been given a £5,000 a year bursary to study at Manchester and Exeter, through Rothschild & Co, a unique bursary that is not available at any other school.

The results place Bow School in the top 20% of all London schools, including those in the independent sector.

Head of Sixth Form, Nadia Dellagana, said “I am proud of the hard work of all the staff and students at Bow. What this proves is that fostering a sense of community is the best way to support our young people, no matter their background, to reach the very highest grades.  Our students can now go on to the brightest of futures and we can all take confidence from what we can achieve if we broaden aspiration and aim high. The results exceeded all that we hoped for at the Sixth Form’s inception and provide an important foundation to build on this summer and in years to come.”


Rising to the Challenge – The Bow Way