Bow School

The Power of Young Voices

The Power of Young Voices

This month, Bow School had the pleasure of hosting our in-house author Athian Akec.

Athian studies History at the University of Leeds and has published essays on topics such as climate change, poverty and childhood and how young black men deal with trauma.

He visited Bow School to introduce himself to some of our fabulous KS3 students and begin to help them shape their own essays on a social topic of their choice. Their writing will be published in a Young Voices magazine, and we are in the process of securing a visit to City Hall and the council so they can present their writing by way of a formal speech - in real life!

As ever, our students were attentive, well behaved, and respectful. Athian said they were a pleasure to meet, and he looks forward to seeing them again next week.

Well done to all involved for their model behaviour and outstanding contributions.