Transition Information and Review Event
Bow School welcomed Parents of students in year 7 to a transition information and review meeting on 22nd November. The aim of the meeting was to give parents key information about their child’s learning and tips on how to support them to aim high and achieve. Parents were welcomed by the head teacher, met key members of the school parent support team, the head of year and other staff. Parents also took part in a “Parent Voice” activity giving their views on how the school communicates on their sons learning and progress.
Approximately 80% of parents attended this lively meeting and contributed suggestions and ideas for further developing the relationship between home and school. More sessions are planned to strengthen the link with parents and to increase opportunities for parents to get involved in their sons learning.
Sessions next term will cover:
- Welfare & Benefits Reform & Advice – the impact of benefit changes for local families
- Learn to Surf – Parents learn to navigate around ‘OFSTED Parent View’ & the ‘Bow School Website’.
- Moving on Up – Information session for parents about their son moving up to the next year group
- Parent drop in surgeries – for parent of year 7