Bow School

Upper School Celebration of Achievement Evening

Upper School Celebration of Achievement Evening


On Wednesday 19th December we held our annual Upper School Celebration of Achievement event in the Waterside Theatre for Year 11 & KS5. This event offers us, as a school, the opportunity to recognise and reward those students who have achieved the highest possible standards in the subjects that they have been studying, alongside the students who have made a significant contribution to the school community.

Our guest on the evening was Dr Phillip Bennett-Richards, who is a well-respected local GP and a member of the school's Governing Body.  Dr Bennett-Richards assisted Mr Lye, the Head teacher, in presenting the awards to students from Years 11, 12 and 13. In total, around 75 students received awards, which represented almost a third of the students in these three year groups.

A significant number of parents were present on the evening to share in the successes that were being rewarded with a certificate and gift voucher, and the general impression from all who attended was that this was a very positive and impressive event, which truly recognised the wide range of talents and potential that we now have in these three year groups.

A high point of the evening was when we were able to present last year's highest Sixth Form achiever with his certificate. Williams Evans was the recipient of this award and had only just arrived back from India where he had been involved in delivering a rugby training programme. His attendance meant that we were able to recognise the fantastic collection of A Levels that he achieved (one A* and two A's), which will no doubt be a target for our current Year 13's to try and beat in the next set of external exams in the Summer of 2019.

We will be repeating the process later in the school year when we will be celebrating the achievement of the Lower School and our current Year 10. Given the quality of this evening, it will be an event that no one should miss!

Mr Morris

Celebrating Success – The Bow Way