Bow School



On Wednesday the 22nd March, our House Committee members and Violence Against Women & Girls (VAWG) trainees all visited the SSE Wembley Arena to attend ‘We Day’ UK. The event was organised by Free the Children, a charity that aims to educate and empower aspiring young people by providing them with the tools needed to create transformative social change.

This unique celebration brought together many renowned artists, motivational speakers and tens of thousands of aspiring young people. The crowd were treated to performances from the likes of The Vamps, Jessie J, Fleur East and Conor Maynard. Furthermore, Academy Award winning Kate Winslet and multi-talented entertainer Paula Abdul shared their personal experiences of how they overcame enormous barriers throughout their long successful careers.

Aside from celebrity A-listers, other prominent figures took to the stage to share inspirational talks with the audience. Special guests included acclaimed author and social advocate for mental health Margaret Trudeau (mother of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau), courageous Syrian refugee and activist for educational rights for girls Muzoon Al-Mellehan and international human rights advocate Maria Munir who famously challenged Barack Obama on equality issues. Furthermore, Tashi and Nungshi Malik, who overcame physical obstacles to become the first siblings to ever climb the Seven Summits as well as complete the Explorers Grand Slam.

It was a great day filled with lots of excitement, stimulation and positivity. Hopefully this event also managed to further encourage our students to aim high and to persevere in the face of adversity.     

 Ms Mohamud

Learning from Every Situation – The Bow Way