World Book Day
This week it was World Book Day on 7th March. We celebrated the event at Bow School with a competition, reading bells and fancy dress! With teachers dressed up as characters from popular fiction the students found themselves taught by Little Red Riding Hood, the Mad Hatter or even Harry Potter (and that’s just to name a few!).
The students were also challenged to identify book titles and authors from a series of photographs placed around school. The winners and answers will be revealed next week as some of the students are still scratching their heads to work out the answer.
We also had DEAR bells which stand for Drop Everything And Read. These sounded at two random points during the day during which every member of staff and student, no matter what they were doing, had to stop and read their choice of book.
Overall the day was a huge success and enjoyed by students and staff alike. It definitely highlighted the power of books and the enjoyment that reading brings.