Year 11 students visit University of Oxford
On Friday 9th November, 15 Year 11 students visited the University of Oxford. The trip was extremely insightful and we attained an immense amount of knowledge about A-level choices and how to improve our chances of getting into Oxford and other Russell Group universities. We learnt about the university application process and the many different stages that universities go through to ensure that the best possible applicants are given a place.
We had the opportunity to meet with the Admissions Officer at Wadham College who wiped away our prior misconceptions of the average Russell Group university student by telling us that not all students attained straight A*s and that the application didn’t require you to be a genius in all fields of study. Furthermore, we learned that being a ‘well-rounded’ student is not all that matters when submitting a university application; passion and knowledge of your subject is the most important factor in determining whether or not prospective undergraduates get a place on their desired course.
Our tours of Wadham and Pembroke College were greatly enjoyable and we had fun experiencing a practical degree level lesson of physics. This involved making our own spectroscopes out of cardboard and compact discs.
Overall, the all students that attended this trip would consider themselves lucky to have had this experience as we secured invaluable knowledge of Physics, A-levels and universities as a whole.
Safwan Ahmed (Deputy Head Boy) and Azim Khan (Prefect), Year 11