Bow School

Year 7 Into University Trip

Year 7 Into University Trip

On Friday 3 November, a group of Year 7 students went to the Into University Centre in Bow, where they took part in lots of activities and found out more about university.

The students found out more about Into University (an educational charity) and the work that they do with Bow School. They took part in activities where they developed their communication and listening skills and discussed how they can take these skills back to the classroom.  They also looked at some university prospectuses and worked in groups to plan extra-curricular activities that students can do from Year 7 to help them to plan for applying for particular university courses.  These students will be part of the Into University programme until they leave Bow at the end of Year 13.

All of the students on the trip were a credit to Bow School as they behaved exceptionally at all times and participated in all activities with enthusiasm.

Rising to the Challenge – The Bow Way