Bow School

Youth Voice

Youth Voice

A new programme that places Youth Voice at the heart of careers provision within Tower Hamlets has been launched called The Switch. In this new programme, students are given the chance to share their perspectives, ideas and lived experience in a borough-wide youth advisory board focusing on careers development.

Y7 and Y9 students were invited to the impressive Lloyds of London building on 12 May to attend the borough-wide programme and were personally welcomed by The Switch team and Director, Helen Sanson, before playing some games to get to know each other. It was a great session with students rating it 4/5 stars. We now have our very own Youth Voice Ambassadors: Elisa Martorell Ungria (Y7) and Ridouane Abdou (Y9).

“We were so impressed by all the students – they were all so bright, opinionated, and charismatic!”

The Switch Team