Parent Partnership
By working in partnership with parents, we offer every student a secure, fulfilling and challenging environment that supports achievement across all areas, and provides the basis for successful adult life.
As part of our commitment to inclusive education, we believe it is vital to foster close links between home and school. Some of the ways in which we do this are:
- Regular contact between school and parents in the areas of:
- Curriculum
- Learning and Mentoring
- Attendance and Punctuality
- Uniform
- Throughout the year there are opportunities for parents to visit the school as part of our parent’s evenings schedule to speak directly to staff and get a chance to see the work and activities that are on offer to our students.
- The parents of all new intake Year 7 students are invited to an evening in school in July. At this meeting they are able to meet staff and are asked to sign our Home-School Agreement.
- The school newsletter is published regularly, informing parents of important issues, meetings and forthcoming events.
Academic progress is tracked each term and the annual school report and Parents' Evenings are used to allow parents, students and staff to review progress and set academic targets. Student planners also provide an important means of communication about learning between school and home.
Leading Parent Partnership Award
Bow School is currently working towards the achievement of the “Leading Parent Partnership Award”
This is a nationally recognised award supported and assessed by Optimus.
The programme seeks to establish the school’s effectiveness at communicating with parents and getting them involved with all aspects of school life.
It is also a programme to help direct and encourage improvements and change in this area of school practice.
Participating schools have 12 – 15 months to work on the completion of the 9 key objectives/60 KPI’s that make up the award which can be worked on and evidence over the length of the programme (Bow School Registration date = July 2019).
We are hoping that during as a result of the programme parents will feel better informed about what is going on in the school and will be motivated and able to take a more active part in various aspects of school life.
Eventually we would like to have a clear group of parents who can take a lead in school events and activities and help shape new initiatives and changes from their perspective as parents.
Please check out the LPPA website (below) for more details :
or contact Mr Emin (Deputy Head Teacher) via e-mail : if you would like more information about how the school is developing this aspect of school life and/or to volunteer to be part of the process.
Click here to see - Multilingual Support for Parents Understanding School Leaflets