Bow School

Personal Development

Personal Development

The Bow School Personal Development Curriculum ensures all students leave "World and Career Ready," equipped with essential skills and knowledge to thrive beyond academics in a complex world.

Grounded in our core values—Respect, Responsibility, Curiosity, Adaptability, and Determination—the curriculum encourages students to embody these principles, applying them in everyday life.

Respect for oneself and others is central, promoting kindness, empathy, and appreciation for diversity and British values covered in our weekly PSHCE lessons, through our curriculum more widely and our student led celebration of events like Black History Month and Heritage day.

Responsibility and leadership are fostered through opportunities like the School Council, charity work, and environmental projects, along with paid leadership opportunities in the sixth form. Curiosity is sparked in activities such as the Debate Club and STEM Club, igniting passion for learning.

Adaptability is nurtured through creative outlets like whole school musical productions, where students take on new roles, and Determination is strengthened in initiatives like the Duke of Edinburgh Award, music lessons and sports clubs, building resilience and teamwork.

The curriculum is enriched with visits, and residential experiences, broadening students' horizons and exposing them to real-world applications of their learning.  Our termly Personal Development Days mean all students explore new environments, gain independence, and build confidence in their abilities.

Our approach is flexible, adapting to the needs of the community and evolving with world events and social issues. This ensures students are prepared for academic success and capable of engaging meaningfully with global topics like climate change, social justice, and mental health awareness.

With leadership opportunities, work experience, healthy debate, and personal growth, the curriculum emphasizes wellbeing, relationships, and safety, ensuring all students are world and career ready.


Please click here for an Overview of Personal Development Themes 

Tutor Time and Assembly Programme  

Students access exceptional character education, taught during tutor time through the Becoming X platform designed to teach young people the skills, character and resilience needed to succeed whilst cementing our values of Respect, Curiosity, Adaptability and Determination and garnering an appreciation of British values. Every student has access to a high-quality tutor who is there to nurture, support, and guide students using the PERMA Positive Psychology Coaching Model at the beginning and end of the week.  

This is complimented by our assembly programme which exposes students to the great people that have shaped the world we live in; the best that has been thought and the best that has been said. These people hail from a wide range of backgrounds and promote diversity and advocate respect for different protected characteristics.  

Student Leadership  

 Our students are able to flourish as leaders through a wide range of leadership opportunities inside and outside of school that spark passion, interest and a thirst for life and learning. All opportunities available Year 7 – 13, along with responsibilities and application process can be found here

PSHCE and Citizenship 

Our PSHE and Citizenship Curriculum plays a crucial role in our Personal Development Curriculum in promoting students’ personal, social and emotional development. Weekly lessons provide space for healthy discussion and debate whilst also giving pupils the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to keep themselves healthy and safe. This includes an understanding of their protected characteristics, ways to identify and manage concerns around their emotional wellbeing and age appropriate RSE. British Values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs underpin our curriculum which we keep responsive, allowing us to address local, national and global issues and events as they arise. Support, guidance and learning around wellbeing, relationships, and safety. 

Useful resources:


BowExtra! Is our extracurricular offer where students access a wide range of academic, artistic, sporting and sometimes ‘just for fun!’ clubs and activities outside of school hours meaning all students find somewhere they can flourish.  We have excellent partnerships which provide extended opportunities for students, including Duke of Edinburgh, Jack Petchey Speak Out Challenge, Debate Mate and Green House Sports Coaching.

Careers Education and Guidance 

Our Careers Education and Guidance Programme is structured around the Gatsby Benchmarks and prepares our students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of their future careers.  We provide appropriate careers education from year 7 upwards, ranging from the prestigious IntoUniversity programme to visiting places of work and industry, along with 1:1 career guidance for all students.

 Trips, Visits and Experiences

Throughout their journey ay Bow School, all students have the opportunity to take part in a plethora of school trips, visits and experiences. 

Finally, three times a year ‘House Days’ are dedicated to Personal Development, students experience guest speakers, workshops, visit Universities and workplaces, and go out beyond Bow School to enjoy museums, exhibitions, famous landmarks, the theatre and live music. What’s more, there are a wider range of optional trips which range from exploring an ancient trail of Hadrian’s Wall, visiting parliament to take part in the model UN, to travelling to Madrid to practise their language skills.


  •  77.1% of students agree that they value their tutors, and tutor time
  •  82% of students that that they value assembly time and the topics covered
  •  81% of students recognise that the school provides opportunities to develop their leadership
  •  75% of students say Bow School provides support in making future decisions about their careers and further education
  • 76.7% of students say they enjoy the PSHEE and Citizenship Curriculum
  • 82% of students say they learn a lot in PSHEE and Citizenship lessons.