Special Educational Needs
Our Vision for All Our Learners:
The Bow School vision is to be an outstanding educational institution that encourages ambition, uncovers talent and delivers excellence. We aim to ensure that all students are prepared for their future lives in a world of changing employment priorities and expectations and have the skills and abilities to face the many challenges of adulthood. As teachers we work hard to support all students in our school to be the best they can be, including all student with special educational needs or disabilities. The range of support deployed will be tailored to individual need, following thorough assessment by internal or external agencies. It is designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent, courageous, resilient and ambitious learners.
What is SEND?
A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her. This may fall under four main categories – communication and interaction; cognition and learning; social, emotional and mental health difficulties; sensory and/or physical needs.
Our SEND support arises from a four-part cycle, known as the graduated approach. This system follows four stages, often referred to as a 'cycle': Assess, Plan, Do, Review, often referred to as the 'graduated approach'. This is shown below:
To view our SEND, Accessibility and Equalities policies, please visit the Policies Page. Our SEND Information Report can be found below:
Our Inclusion Team
Our Inclusion Team sits at the heart of our SEND provision and is made up of staff with a broad range of specialist skills and knowledge. We have strong external partnerships with a range of services including with Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, the Phoenix Outreach Service, to name a few. If you would like to speak with our SENCO, Charlotte Powell, or a member of the Inclusion Team, please message: inclusion@bow-school.org.uk.
The Support
There is a wealth of support available both locally and nationally to help students to overcome the barriers they may face. Below are some suggestions for you to look into to support your child, your family and yourselves.